7000 Years Flying Carpet


Under the title “7000 Yillik Uçan Hali” (7000 Years Flying Carpet), the Turkish composer and pianist Fazıl Say composed this piece of theater music in 2014, consisting of eleven songs for singing actors. The performers are not only theatrical actors but also employ various traditional Turkish percussion instruments.


Bendir, Darbuka or other percussion instruments in two different pitches



  • Tags: Chamber Opera
  • Opus No: 33
  • Duration: 100 minutes
  • Year of Composition: 2010-2011
  • Word Premiere Date: January 10, 2014
  • World Premiere Location: Istanbul (T) Ali Poyrazoğlu Tiyatrosu - Ayça Kocatürk and Çiğdem Erken, piano; Kemal Kocatürk, Yıldırım Gücük, Aytunç Özer, Vedi İzzi, actors · Conductor: Çiğdem Erken Costumes: Türkan Kafadar · Set desing: Sırrı Topraktepe (scenic)
  • Schott Music